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Monthly Special


Includes 20 minute session & 3 digital images

The monthly special has one to three set choices on designated sets during specified times of the year. You will choose one set for your session. Please call if you have any questions about what sets are featured at the time you book. Below is a general guide of what themes will be available at what times of year!



Monthly Special Set Schedule:


January 10th - February 19th : Valentine's Day

February 20th - April 25th : Spring /Easter

April 26th - May 30th : Mommy and me! Graduation

June 1st-July 15th : Summer Fun

June 15th -July 15th : Red, White & Blue

July 16th - August 31st : Back2School

September 1st - September 30th : Fall 

October 1st - October 31st : Fall/Halloween

November 1st - January 9th : Holiday


This session includes your choice of one set. Reveal appointment is required.


* Please call and verify sets if you are unsure or need something specific. The above schedule is just an estimate. 

*Please note that all Monthly Specials require an in-person reveal
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